
“当代国际艺术与设计数字艺博馆”(Digital Art Museum of contemporary international art and design)(上海)是新时期数字化时代艺术交流、设计交流、创意交流的国际化平台,她是人类在信息时代进程中的交流产物,也是未来世界的更新活动方式,她将涵盖艺术、设计、创意的多种艺术门类以“数字化”形式展现在人们面前、融合到大众的生活之中,同时也将依此为依托形成更为丰富的经济效益和社会价值,促进人类社会艺术门类呈现的世纪性更新和跨越性拓展。

“当代国际艺术与设计数字艺博馆”(Digital Art Museum of contemporary international art and design)由上海市创意产业协会(全国创意产业领域诞生的第一家协会;“世界创意产业之父”“英国著名经济学家”约翰·霍金斯John Howkins担任国际顾问;“中国创意产业之父”“著名经济学家”“第十一届全国政协副主席”厉无畏先生担任首任会长)担任指导机构,上海暨中文化艺术传播中心负责建设运营,着重通过艺术数字化形式来呈现、交流、并延展艺术与设计的特殊魅力与社会价值。“当代国际艺术与设计数字艺博馆”(Digital Art Museum of contemporary international art and design)将助力“当代国际艺术与设计数字典藏馆”(Digital Collection Museum of contemporary international art and design)丰富艺术形式、扩大艺术门类、以及提升艺术品质,其内设“在线艺术作品展”、“交流与专访”、“推荐艺术家”、“优秀作品推荐”、以及“元宇宙展馆”等多类艺术数字化展览窗口,适时举办艺术或设计作品的线上展览(包括个展、群展、或联展等形式)、线上交流、线上论坛、线上或线下艺术交流、线上或线下设计讲坛、线上或线下学术论坛、网络推介或新闻发布会议等活动,为促进国内外艺术创作者、广大设计师的健康有效成长,进一步宏扬中华民族文化艺术的精髓,努力搭建艺术学生、艺术教师以及艺术与设计创作者施展专业才华的交流展示平台。

“当代国际艺术与设计数字艺博馆”(Digital Art Museum of contemporary international art and design)将以“服务社会、利益大众、公益优先”为基本原则,热忱与社会各界筑梦未来,以“特邀类”作品展览、“命题类”(或主题类)作品展览、以及“非命题类”作品展览等多类艺术交流形式进行艺术跨界、艺术拓展、以及艺术提升的平台打造,为进一步铸就“中国艺术品牌”与“中国设计品牌”,弘扬“中国精神”奉献力量。

Digital Art Museum of contemporary international art and design

"Digital Art Museum of contemporary international art and design" (Shanghai) is an international platform for art exchange, design exchange and creative exchange in the digital era in the new era. It is not only the exchange product of mankind in the process of the information age, but also the way of renewal activities in the future world. It will cover art, design A variety of creative art categories are displayed in front of people in the form of "digitization" and integrated into people's life. At the same time, it will also rely on this to form richer economic benefits and social values, and promote the century renewal and leapfrog expansion of human social art categories.

The "Digital Art Museum of contemporary international art and design" was founded by Shanghai Creative Industry Association (the first association in the field of creative industry in China); John Hawkins, the father of the world's creative industry and a famous British economist, served as the international consultant; and John Hawkins, the father of China's creative industry and a famous economist Mr. Li Wuwei, the "vice chairman of the 11th CPPCC National Committee", as the first chairman, served as the guiding organization. Shanghai and China culture and art communication center was responsible for the construction and operation, focusing on presenting, communicating and extending the special charm and social value of art and design through digital art forms. The Digital Art Museum of contemporary international art and design will help the Digital Collection Museum of contemporary international art and design enrich art forms, expand art categories and improve art quality. It includes "online art exhibition", "exchange and interview" "Recommend artists", "recommend excellent works", and "yuancosmos exhibition hall" and other digital art exhibition windows, and timely hold online exhibitions (including individual exhibitions, group exhibitions, or joint exhibitions) of art or design works, online exchanges, online forums, online or offline art exchanges, online or offline design forums, online or offline academic forums, online promotion or press release meetings, In order to promote the healthy and effective growth of art creators and designers at home and abroad, further promote the essence of Chinese culture and art, and strive to build an exchange and display platform for art students, art teachers and art and design creators to display their professional talents.

"Digital Art Museum of contemporary international art and design" will take "serving the society, benefiting the public and giving priority to public welfare" as the basic principle, enthusiastically build a dream for the future with all sectors of society, and carry out cross-border artistic exchanges in the form of "specially invited" works exhibition, "proposition (or theme) works exhibition, and" non proposition "works exhibition Create a platform for art development and art promotion, and contribute to further building "Chinese art brand" and "Chinese design brand" and carrying forward the "Chinese spirit".

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电话:021-6806 9669

地址:上海市沪南路2583号 阳光大厦405室


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